How 3D Printing services revolutionizing the manufacturing world?


3d Printing Services
Printing Services

The Future of 3D Printing Manufacturing:

3D printing has arrived. It is the next step in rapid prototyping, and it will revolutionize the way we manufacture everyday goods.

The world of 3D printing is enormous. It's estimated that the global market for 3D printing will reach $20 billion in 2022, which is a 38% gain from 2015. Fascinating new technologies, industries, and concepts are emerging daily in various interdisciplinary research fields. 

Recently, Amuse, as a 3D printing services provider, was involved in one such high ticket project that pushed us to write this article on how 3D printing is revolutionizing the manufacturing world.

Think about it: you can take a product design, create a prototype using 3D printing technology, test it and then be able to produce the product in larger quantities to meet demand. 

This process is called additive manufacturing, and it's a game-changer for many manufacturers. It offers benefits both from an efficiency point of view and from the point of view of the environment. 


Here are some of how 3D printing is revolutionizing manufacturing:

  • You develop any product incredibly quick, saving lots of cash up front, eliminating the potential cost of failure and cost of rework.
  • Bringing you high-level customization 
  • Unlike other manufacturing technologies, you have almost limitless design freedom where you are forced to design for manufacturability. By design freedom, we mean bringing complex or intricate parts that dramatically boost your performance.  
  • With 3D printing, you reach your customers faster with absolute certainty.
  •  You don't have to struggle fastening with juggling child parts. 3D printing simplifies the assembly process and reduces the no of components in the assembly. 

What's the insight here? Undoubtedly, with immense benefits, 3D printing will be the future of manufacturing. 

What can we do to be a part of this change? It's advisable to have a desktop printer in house. By doing so, you eliminate further iterations in product development. 

But it's not mandatory. To guarantee the accuracy and repeatability of your precise parts, it's always wise to hire a 3D printing services bureau having professional/industrial-grade 3D printers.  


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